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    Charities with Perfect Scores

    Explore charities that have a perfect score after completing ALL assessments for all beacons.

    The exceptional charities on this list have earned perfect scores across all metrics in all four beacons in our Encompass Rating System. Based on our metrics, these organizations are highly impactful in their given cause area, are fiscally responsible and transparent, and follow leadership and organizational culture best practices. 


    We applaud these charities for being highly impactful and outperforming other organizations performing similar work.


    Please click on the names of the high-performing charities included in our list to learn more about their mission, programs, and services and to make a donation via the Giving Basket.

    List of Best Highly Rated Charities

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      Learn How We Curate Our Lists

      View the criteria we use to select charities for our Where to Give Now, Popular Charities, and Best Charities lists.