About Us
Charity Navigator helps millions of people take action and support the causes they care about by connecting them to the best charities that align with their passions and values.
Our mission is to make impactful giving easier for all
Since 2001, we've empowered millions of donors by providing free access to data, tools, and resources to guide philanthropic decision-making.
With more than 225,000 charities rated, our comprehensive ratings shine a light on the cost-effectiveness and overall health of a charity’s programs, including measures of stability, efficiency, and sustainability. The metrics inform donors of not just where their dollars are going but what their dollars are doing.
Like the organizations we rate, we're a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, too. We don't charge the charities we evaluate, ensuring our ratings remain objective. In turn, we depend on the generosity of individuals, foundations, and corporations to fund our programs.
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Our Values
These are the beliefs and principles that guide Charity Navigator and our team.

Contact Us
Get in touch with our team to answer questions, explore partnerships, or fund our work.