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    Charity employees in conference room

    Leadership & Adaptability

    We assess a charity’s leadership capacity, strategic development, and ability to adapt to internal and external changes to better deliver on its mission.

    When a charity has a focused mission, a clear strategic plan, and capable and adaptable leadership, it is more likely to solve the underlying issues that its program is aimed at. Additionally, an organization that invests in its leaders on an ongoing basis increases the organization's capacity to execute on strategy. Finally, an organization that can adapt during challenging times (e.g., during a global pandemic) demonstrates its ability to persevere and rise above.


    How We Assess Charities' Clarity of Purpose


    We collect information on charities' visions and their strategies to achieve those visions. Each question asked is assigned a set point value. The charity's Leadership & Adaptability score reflects the sum of the points earned for each question answered.


    Charities can earn Leadership & Adaptability beacons by logging into the Charity Navigator Nonprofit Portal and providing the necessary data.

    Strategy Metrics

    Leadership Metrics

    Adaptability Metric

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