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    Impact & Measurement

    We assess the direct impact of a charity’s program relative to the cost required to run it to help donors identify high-impact charities.

    Donors want to make sure their hard-earned dollars are doing the most good when they support a charity. In a world of limited resources and numerous needs, it becomes crucial to track and maximize the impact of those resources and help as many as possible, as much as possible. Donations can achieve a greater amount of good per dollar spent by supporting high-impact charities.

    How We Assess Programmatic Impact

    This beacon assesses programmatic impact through two assessments: Measuring Outcomes, which reviews how charities collect and use data to improve their programs, and the Impact Assessment, which analyzes a program's achievements in relation to its costs. All charities are eligible for the Measuring Outcomes assessment, while the program-level impact evaluations are available only to charities that run programs meeting specific criteria.

    Charities can earn Impact & Measurement beacon by logging into the Charity Navigator Nonprofit Portal and providing the necessary data. here. You can read the full methodology in our guidebook.

    Measuring Outcomes

    Impact Assessment

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