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    Consultative Council of Nonprofit Leaders

    Charity Navigator's Consultative Council of Nonprofit Leaders (CCNL) is a diverse team of experienced nonprofit leaders that advises Charity Navigator on various aspects of the sector, sheds light on factors that influence nonprofit success, and works collaboratively to help strengthen our current and future initiatives.

    The application process for the CCNL is now closed.

    Below is a listing of the current Charity Navigator CCNL members:


    Verni Howard

    Executive Director, Providence House


    Marcia Horn

    President and CEO, International Cancer Advocacy Network (ICAN)


    Damaris Herron-Watkins

    Chief Finance and Operations Officer, A Better Chance, Inc.


    Orna Ehrlich

    Vice President, Strategic Impact, Crohn's & Colitis Foundation


    Tony Morain

    Vice President, Communications, Direct Relief 


    John Ohab

    Senior Director and Chief Strategist, Fannie and John Hertz Foundation


    Don Wells

    Chief Empowerment Officer, Just in Time for Foster Youth


    Rudolph Gaskins,

    Chairman and CEO, Society of Voice Arts and Sciences


    Sandra Muvdi,

    President/CEO, Jessica June Children's Cancer Foundation


    Robert Rund

    Executive Director, CelloBello


    Sarah Wilber

    Vice President, Capital Campaigns and Strategic Planning, The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts


    Randy Foster,

    Chief Finance Officer, Liberty HealthShare


    Heather Martin

    VP, Operations, March of Dimes


    Sonja Pagniano

    Executive Director, NCPA Foundation


    Chris McCain

    Executive Director, Atlanta Pride Committee


    Daphne Keys,

    Chief Operating Officier, Frontier Partners International


    Josephine Lume

    Chief Finance Officer, Henry Street Settlement


    Jessica Ford

    Chief Communications Officer, Arkansas Community Foundation


    Mandeep Singh

    Chief Financial Officer, Charity Water


    Tisha Dolby,

    Founder / Executive Director, Power Passion Purpose Inc


    Amanda Wilson

    Senior Director of Finance & Accounting,Vitamin Angels


    Christine Paine

    Executive Director, Team Woofgang & Co.


    Nicole Trautsch

    Director of Development, WildCare


    Robin Merle

    Board Member, Association of Fundraising Professionals-New York City Chapter


    Wendy Lewis,

    Chief Executive Officer, The Parkinson Council


    Elizabeth Wian

    Senior Vice President, Partnerships and Development, Girls on the Run International


    Michael Liimatta

    Chief Operating Officer, Healing House


    Will Pugh

    President, Mentoring Brother 2 Brother


    Heather Comstock

    Senior Director of Development & Communication The Arc of Essex County


    Sheri Scavone

    President/CEO, Wny Womens Foundation