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    Native American man performing at pow wow

    Indigenous Peoples and Native-Led Charities

    Highly rated charities addressing the needs and preserving the cultures of Indigenous and Native-led communities.

    Our expert analysts have curated a list of highly rated charities in partnership with Native Ways Federation focused on advocacy, education, and amplifying the history of Indigenous and Native communities. Please click on the names of the high-performing charities included in our list to learn more about their mission, programs, and services and to make a donation via the Giving Basket.


    For more information about these and other Native nonprofits, please contact Native Ways Federation

    List of Best Native American Charities

    Native Ways logo

    This list was provided in partnership with Native Ways Federation

    The Native Ways Federation (NWF) was founded to activate and expand informed giving to nonprofits in Indian Country through donor education and advocacy. Show your support by making a donation today.