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    Suicide Prevention and Depression Education and Awareness

    Explore charities leading the conversation on depression, mental health, and suicide prevention.

    The U.S Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports a continued increase in individuals suffering from depression, making suicide one of the leading causes of death in our country. Some leaders in the mental health field believe that our deteriorating mental health care system is partially to blame. 


    We believe it’s important to share resources and shed light on this highly-stigmatized topic of issues surrounding depression and mental health. Charity Navigator is, therefore, spotlighting a number of highly rated organizations that are recognized as leaders in the field of mental health and suicide prevention advocacy, support, and education. 


    We hope you will consider supporting one of these outstanding organizations today as they walk alongside those who struggle with depression.


    If you are having thoughts of suicide, please call 988. Or, text HOME to 741741 to be connected to a trained Crisis Counselor through Crisis Text Line.

    List of Best Suicide Prevention Charities

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    View the criteria we use to select charities for our Where to Give Now, Popular Charities, and Best Charities lists.