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    5 Key Facts About Political Donations

    What to keep in mind before opening your wallet.

    Chances are you’ve been asked to contribute to a political campaign or organization. These tips will guide you through making sure your donation has the impact you want.



    Top 5 Things to Remember When Making Political Donations


    1. Your donation isn’t tax-deductible. Donations to qualifying 501(c)(3) nonprofits are tax-deductible, but donations to political campaigns and committees, like 501(c)(4)s, aren't. Also, it's important to note that some groups have a 501(c)(3) and a 501(c)(4). Take the AARP for example: donations to the AARP Foundation are tax-deductible because it's a 501(c)(3). Donations to the AARP aren’t tax-deductible as it's a 501(c)(4).


    2. Monthly donations go further than one-time gifts. Charities love when their supporters create monthly donations because they help them better project programmatic budgeting and growth planning. As someone who used to work in political fundraising and now works in charitable fundraising, I can report that political campaigns and committees feel the same way about monthly donations as charities.


    3. Early money is critical. Team members who work as fundraisers are often the first staff on board in campaigns, as politicians need to secure early funding to really get their campaign off the ground and running. Campaigns are incredibly eager to receive contributions at any stage in the game, but they are especially happy to receive money early on. If you are passionate about a candidate and have done your research, then, by all means, donate to them as soon as possible.


    4. A record of your donation might be public. If you make a donation of $200 or more to a federal candidate, then that candidate is required to disclose your name, occupation, employer, address, donation date, and donation amount to the Federal Election Commission. Anyone can search for the political contribution history of themselves or others on the FEC website.


    5. Keep tabs on your investments. You just gave to a candidate you really believe in. Great! Now, make sure they are staying in contact with you. Get on their campaign email newsletter list. If they win their election or are an incumbent, get on their government official email newsletter.