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    woman presenting in front of people

    Giving 101

    Learn everything you need to know to become a top-notch philanthropist—like deciding when, why, and how to donate to a charity.

    How to Donate Money to a Charity
    • volunteers with supplies
      Why You Should Donate
      Discover the benefits of giving to causes you believe in—and learn how to find charities that maximize the impact of every donation.
    • handmade sign for hurricane relief
      When to Donate
      Time your donations to maximize their impact, and help you reap the tax benefits, too.
    • woman working on budget
      How Much Should You Donate
      Figure out how much to donate to a charity—and how to split your donations between your favorite causes.
    people working on a strategy with poster and notes

    Creating a Giving Strategy

    Planning ahead can help you make the most of every dollar you give. Use these tips to maximize the tax benefits and help your favorite nonprofit unlock matching funds.

    More to Explore
    • boy holding box of toys
      Add Giving Tuesday to Your Calendar
      Giving Tuesday is the perfect addition to the holiday season—and a wonderful way to share your generosity.
    • A woman with a clipboard, managing volunteers
      What is a Customer First Approach?
      Learn about the importance of Customer First – a powerful, transformative measurement approach that puts the voices of those served at the heart of decision-making.
    • three women one man at a food bank
      How to Invest in Impact
      Discover expert tips from the Charity Navigator team on how to find organizations making an impact and ensure your donations do the same.
    • kids volunteering
      Kids with a Compass
      Discover helpful tips for raising philanthropic children, from early discussions about giving to involving them in meaningful acts of generosity and adapting as they grow.
    • woman talking on mobile phone outdoors
      Don’t Ask for Donation Refunds (Unless You Must)
      Learn how to avoid having to ask for a refund from a charity and how to go about asking if you must.
    • two people cleaning up beach
      Empowering the Underdogs: Supporting Underfunded Charities
      Support small charities to help them support their communities.
    • opening envelope with heart on letter inside
      Why You Should Tell Charities How You Want to Hear from Them
      Having only the charities you're interested in reaching out to you prevents the wasting of time and resources.
    • man looking up from computer smiling
      Why Loyalty to a Charity Matters
      Help create stability for a charity by strategizing to become a loyal donor.
    • people unloading truck
      The Importance of Supporting Long-term Disaster Recovery
      It is common for donors to reactively donate to a cause right after tragedy strikes. While those impacted do need help immediately, they will also need continuing help.