Harlan IA | IRS ruling year: 1946 | EIN: 13-5563422
An EIN is a unique nine-digit number that identifies a business for tax purposes.
An EIN is a unique nine-digit number that identifies a business for tax purposes.
Organization Mission
Catholic Relief Services carries out the commitment of the Bishops of the United States to assist the poor and vulnerable overseas. We are motivated by the Gospel of ... (More)
Rating Information
Not currently rated
Ratings are calculated from one or more beacon scores. Currently, we require either an Accountability & Finance beacon or an Impact & Measurement beacon to be eligible for a Charity Navigator rating. Note: The absence of a rating does not indicate a positive or negative assessment; it only indicates that we have not yet evaluated this organization.
See rating report below to learn why this organization is not currently eligible.
Historical Ratings
Charity Navigator's ratings previously did not consider Leadership & Adaptability, Culture & Community, or Impact & Measurement. The historic rating mainly reflects a version of today’s Accountability and Finance score. More information on our previous rating methodologies can be found on our rating methodology page.
Rating histories are available for a growing number of rated organizations. Check back later to see if this organization has a rating history!
CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES UNITED STATES CONFERENCE OF CATHOLIC BISH cannot currently be evaluated by our Accountability & Finance methodology due to only having one year of electronically-filed IRS Form 990 data.
To ensure year-to-year consistency the Encompass Rating System's Accountability & Finance beacon analyzes the three-year average of some data provided through the IRS 990.
Charity Navigator currently only has one year of consecutive e-filed Forms 990 from the IRS for CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES UNITED STATES CONFERENCE OF CATHOLIC BISH under the EIN: 13-5563422.
Revenue and expense data is not available for this organization. This data is only available if this organization has at least one year of electronically-filed Form 990 data filed within the last $six years.
Salary of Key Persons - No Data Available
No Data Available
Salary of Key Persons data is currently unavailable for this organization. This data is only available if this charity has at least one year of electronically-filed Form 990 data filed within the last 3 years. In some cases, there may be an electronically-filed 990 on file but the nonprofit may have not included the information and therefore we cannot post it.
IRS Published Data (Business Master File) - Data Available
Organization which receives a substantial part of its support from a governmental unit or the general public 170(b)(1)(A)(vi) (BMF foundation code: 15)
Subordinate - the organization is a subordinate in a group ruling. (BMF affiliation code: 9)
Data Sources (IRS Forms 990) - Data Available
The Form 990 is a document that nonprofit organizations file with the IRS annually. We leverage accountability and finance data from it to form Encompass ratings. Click here to search for this organization's Forms 990 on the IRS website (if any are available). Simply enter the organization's name (CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES UNITED STATES CONFERENCE OF CATHOLIC BISH) or EIN (135563422) in the 'Search Term' field.
Impact & Measurement
Not Currently Scored
CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES UNITED STATES CONFERENCE OF CATHOLIC BISH cannot currently be evaluated by our Impact & Measurement methodology because either (A) it is eligible, but we have not yet received data; (B) we have not yet developed an algorithm to estimate its programmatic impact; (C) its programs are not direct services; or (D) it is not heavily reliant on contributions from individual donors.
Note: The absence of a score does not indicate a positive or negative assessment, it only indicates that we have not yet evaluated the organization.
Does your organization collect feedback (i.e., perceptions, opinions, concerns) from the people meant to ultimately benefit from your mission?
Feedback Usage
100 out of 100 points
How is your organization using feedback from the people you serve?
To identify and remedy poor client service experiences
To identify bright spots and enhance positive service experiences
To make fundamental changes to our programs and/or operations
To inform the development of new programs/projects
To identify where we are less inclusive across demographic groups
To strengthen relationships with the people we serve
This organization collects feedback in other ways
To understand client needs and how we can help them achieve their desired outcomes
100 out of 100 points
Which of the following feedback practices does your organization routinely carry out?
We collect feedback from the people we serve at least annually
We take steps to get feedback from marginalized or under-represented people
We aim to collect feedback from as many people we serve as possible
We take steps to ensure people feel comfortable being honest with us
We look for patterns in feedback based on demographics (e.g., race, age, gender, etc.)
We look for patterns in feedback based on people’s interactions with us (e.g., site, frequency of service, etc.)
We engage the people who provide feedback in looking for ways we can improve in response
We tell the people who gave us feedback how we acted on their feedback
100 out of 100 points
What challenges does your organization face in collecting feedback from the people you serve?
This organization collects feedback in other ways
Equity Strategies™
85 out of 100 points
67% of Culture & Community score
Full Credit
Partial Credit
No Credit
Equity Strategies™ - Number of Data, Policies & Processes
85 out of 100 points
This organization's score of 85 is a passing score. The organization reported that it is implementing 7 Equity Practices.
The metric is based on the elements of the Equity Strategies™ checklist, developed by Equity in the Center™.
Leadership & Adaptability
This beacon provides an assessment of the organization's leadership capacity, strategic thinking and planning, and ability to innovate or respond to changes in constituent demand/need or other relevant social and economic conditions to achieve the organization's mission.
The nonprofit organization presents evidence of strategic thinking through articulating the organization's mission.
Catholic Relief Services carries out the commitment of the Bishops of the United States to assist the poor and vulnerable overseas. We are motivated by the Gospel of Jesus Christ to cherish, preserve and uphold the sacredness and dignity of all human life, foster charity and justice, and embody Catholic social and moral teaching as we act to:
PROMOTE HUMAN DEVELOPMENT by responding to major emergencies, fighting disease and poverty, and nurturing peaceful and just societies; and,
SERVE CATHOLICS IN THE UNITED STATES as they live their faith in solidarity with their brothers and sisters around the world.
As part of the universal mission of the Catholic Church, we work with local, national and international Catholic institutions and structures, as well as other organizations, to assist people on the basis of need, not creed, race or nationality.
Vision Statement
10 out of 10 points
The nonprofit organization presents evidence of strategic thinking through articulating the organization's vision.
Rooted in Catholic social teaching and informed by our lived experience, our faith calls us to give
Strategic Goals
20 out of 20 points
The nonprofit organization presents evidence of strategic thinking and goal setting through sharing their most important strategic goals.
Goal One: All people Live in
Just and Peaceful
Goal Two: All People Survive
and Thrive in the
Face of Disasters
Goal Three: All People Achieve
Dignified and
Resilient Livelihoods
in Flourishing
30 out of 30 points
Full Credit
Partial Credit
No Credit
Investment in Leadership Development
15 out of 15 points
The nonprofit provides evidence of investment in leadership development.
CRS is committed to supporting staff and leadership in their development of leadership roles. We are dedicated to putting our faith into action to catalyze transformational change.
How we deliver our mission matters as much as what we do. This includes ensuring that our systems and structures are congruent with our agency values, vision and mission. Likewise, when our colleagues embody our agency’s values, our workplace culture exemplifies Respect, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (REDI) for all.
CRS has created a REDI department to implement these efforts and ensure we are transforming our organizational culture, and representation of staff. This commitment will allow staff to grow into leadership roles, and our leadership to continue to lead, empower and develop inclusivity.
External Focus on Mobilizing Mission
15 out of 15 points
The nonprofit provides evidence of leadership through focusing externally and mobilizing resources for the mission.
Strategic Partnerships
Collaborative Engagement
Thought Leadership
Social Promotion
Civic Engagement
Public Policy Advocacy
30 out of 30 points
Full Credit
Partial Credit
No Credit
Adaptability Statement
30 out of 30 points
The nonprofit has an opportunity to tell the story of how the organization adapted to tremendous external changes in the last year.
This past year, our goal has been to provide continue covid programming and emergency assistance to those affected by the ongoing Ukraine Crisis.
Pandemic strategy prioritized several key areas to continue to inform country-specific programmatic actions to help families, communities and countries in the immediate and on-going response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Our strategy, utilizing the different partners and networks we have, works to reduce transmission, decrease morbidity and mortality, and mitigate economic and social impacts.
This strategy prioritized several key areas to inform country‑specific programmatic actions to help families, communities and countries in the immediate response to the COVID‑19 pandemic. We are building on our existing health programming, where we operate from the highest levels of health systems—delivering supplies at national levels and working with government partners to introduce new technologies for greater efficiency—to the most remote areas through our local partners and faith‑based networks.
The Ukraine crisis Our foundation for coordinated and effective programming as the crisis evolved, and leveraged the unique strengths of CRS and our partner network. Our strategy depended on effective coordination among multiple actors, especially governments, civil society and faith‑based organizations, to provide immediate supplies and meet the needs of refugees.
Now more than ever, a coordinated system‑wide response has been necessary to reach extended numbers of people with limited resources, and in alignment with government recovery programs. We continue to draw from lessons of prior responses in places of conflict. We are building out our emergency programming, where we operate from the highest levels – delivering supplies at national levels and working with government/private partners to promote highest levels of efficiency – to the most affected areas through our local partners and faith-based networks.