The nonprofit organization presents evidence of strategic thinking and goal setting through sharing their most important strategic goals.
Goal One: Make adjustments to building and facilities to better meet the needs of cats, staff, volunteers, and the public. Through the strategic plan process, staff/volunteer surveys, and consultation with industry experts, we identified both urgent and long-term facilities needs. This goal reflect's CAT's commitments to provide high-quality care to the cats and people we serve and support.
Goal Two: Ensure that CAT has effective, engaged, and satisfied staff and volunteers. Strengthening support for our team, by providing improved benefits & compensation, training & continuing education, organizational culture, etc., helps us attract and retain a high-quality workforce, while also reducing the potential financial impact and loss of knowledge that can occur with high turnover or low morale.
Goal Three: Increase and improve the care and services we provide to cats and people who care for them. CAT remains flexible and adaptable to ensure we can meet the changing needs of our community. We continue to identify and implement best practices in feline sheltering & medicine, and increasing support for cats in our community (especially those in need of low-cost spay/neuter services).