The nonprofit organization presents evidence of strategic thinking and goal setting through sharing their most important strategic goals.
Goal One: This includes expanding infrastructure, strengthening programs, and increasing operational efficiency. By fostering innovation, training staff, and leveraging technology, we aim to scale services, meet growing needs, provide long-term solutions for poverty and homelessness, and become Seminole County's most comprehensive social services provider.
Goal Two: Our goal is to invest in the financial capacity of our organization by establishing a sustainable endowment. This endowment will provide long-term financial stability, allowing us to expand programs, meet growing community needs, and respond to emergencies. By building this resource, we aim to ensure The Sharing Center’s mission thrives for generations to come.
Goal Three: Our goal is to address observed changes in community needs by launching a new capital campaign to build workforce development housing in Seminole County. This initiative aims to provide affordable, stable housing for individuals and families, coupled with job training and support services, empowering them to achieve self-sufficiency while strengthening the local workforce and economy.