The nonprofit organization presents evidence of strategic thinking and goal setting through sharing their most important strategic goals.
Goal One: Our goal is to improve and expand informational and educational resources into an accessible website format based on feedback from adopters and fosters who have found the previous slideshow format difficult to navigate and use. This change will ensure resources are user-friendly, centralized, and up-to-date, equipping fosters and adopters with the knowledge they need to succeed.
Goal Two: Our goal is to create a sales platform to sell merchandise, generating additional funds to support our rescue efforts. This initiative will strengthen our financial capacity, allowing us to save and rehabilitate more dogs. By investing in this platform, we will enhance the long-term sustainability of our mission.
Goal Three: Our goal is to streamline operations by transitioning from Facebook Messenger group chats to centralized Facebook groups for fosters and adopters. This will enhance communication, collaboration, and support, ensuring timely follow-up. Additionally, a dedicated support email for adopters will improve organization, clarity, and responsiveness, allowing for more efficient, focused operations.