The nonprofit has an opportunity to tell the story of how the organization adapted to tremendous external changes in the last year.
Over the last two years, the COVID-19 pandemic has magnified the educational, social, and health disparities already affecting the youth we serve across our 25-site network – 88% of whom identify as youth of color. Needs assessments conducted at the onset of the pandemic demonstrated its immediate impact in the lives of our youth – resulting in a 400% increase in demand for our services. In response, we expanded services beyond each youth enrolled to their siblings, caregivers, and entire households – ultimately impacting over 10,000 individuals. Originally anticipated to be temporary, service enhancements will be sustained in order to respond to ongoing need. Additionally, recognizing the pandemic’s disproportionate impact on rural and tribal communities throughout the country, we have received significant investments from the Echo Fund and Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies to expand our partnerships in these communities.
Additionally, we deepened our commitment to our core values, which includes making sure that everyone has the necessary support to achieve all of their hopes and dreams. This focus on equity means that our highly individualized, relationship-based approach results in each child and family receiving the support they need to overcome their unique barriers and challenges. Everyone in our program is supported to pursue their individual talents, passions, hopes and aspirations. To accomplish this, we amplify the voices of our children, families, and communities. We bring together different experience, skills, and backgrounds to provide opportunities to overcome personal, systemic, and institutional barriers. Through our National Equity Office, we are building robust partnerships across the organization and throughout the Friends of the Children network to advance self-driven, powerful outcomes for our youth, families, and communities.