The nonprofit has an opportunity to tell the story of how the organization adapted to tremendous external changes in the last year.
External changes have centered on COVID-19. When COVID-19 reached Hawaii early in CY 2020, Waikiki Health focused entirely on meeting the needs of our patients and staff. We retained all employees, hired additional staff, and all our clinics, program sites, homeless shelters, and community-based initiatives were maintained to assist everyone who turned to us. We sanitized all facilities, screened everyone before entry to our service sites, and required masks and social distancing.
In July 2020, Waikiki Health began offering free COVID-19 testing at our Ohua Clinic in Waikiki, our main service site. In January 2021, Ohua Clinic partnered with Waikiki Community Center (WCC), our neighbor, utilizing WCC’s meeting hall, to establish a Vaccination Clinic. We also began to offer COVID-19 testing and vaccinations at our Makahiki Medical & Dental Clinic in McCully-Moiliili. Additionally, we expanded our outreach services to include COVID-19 vaccinations for vulnerable populations
Increased telehealth services enabled our patients, particularly those who are mobility-challenged, access to medical, behavioral health, nutrition and/or tobacco treatment services. In CY 2021 Waikiki Health provided 56,980 patient visits (52,219 in-clinic and 4,761 telehealth visits) to 10,050 patients.
We expanded hours and introduced new programs. For example, our Youth Outreach Program (YO!), serving homeless youth, began its “Talk Story Clinic,” offering behavioral health appointments with a licensed psychologist. YO! also added a 4th day of Youth Clinic services.
In June 2022, we assessed our community’s needs and currently offer appointments for COVID-19 vaccinations at our Ohua and Makahiki clinics. Internally, in response to COVID-19, Waikiki Health allocated fewer or no funds for conferences, travel, training, and events. Our first in-person All Staff Meeting in 2 ½ years was held Friday, May 6, 2022 at a Waikiki hotel, welcoming 193 employees.