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    Dog on a leash being pet.

    Best Items to Donate to an Animal Shelter

    Donating items can help animal shelters provide for even more animals and spread the love around.

    Here are items that most animal shelters take -- be sure to check with your local shelter before donating these items to make sure they are able to receive these donations: 


    • Pet food or litter
    • Newspapers, which they can shred into bedding for the animals
    • Towels and blankets for any and all dog grooming needs
    • Scraps of fabric like t-shirts or even from leftover crafts. These can turn into soft beds for cats or dog toys!
    • Plastic bags to pick up dogs waste (not all shelters accept them, and they mustn’t have any holes)
    • Heating pads for sick/injured animals 
    • Gently used pet carriers, leashes, collars, bowls
    • Empty toilet paper and paper towel rolls which can be chew toys
    • Scrubs for animal care staff
    • Household items like bleach, dish soap, paper towels, Kleenex, zip-lock bags, disinfectant wipes, powdered laundry detergent, garbage bags, mops, brooms, sponges
    • Copy paper, pens, pencils, post-it notes, and staples -- buy them so the org doesn’t have to!
    Stack of donated blankets.

    Don’t have the money to donate these items? There are other ways to give to your local animal shelter. You can also:


    • Donate your time by cleaning and caring for the animals
    • Donate your skills by creating websites for each adoptable pet or taking a great photo highlighting each animal’s personality 
    • Foster! 
    • Donate for your event or wedding registry