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    Global Poverty Fund Methodology

    Significant gaps in addressing multidimensional poverty, include not only income poverty but also access to education, healthcare, and social services. We assess organization that aim to prioritize interventions that demonstrate a strong evidence base and cost-effectiveness in reducing global poverty

    Global poverty remains one of the most pressing challenges of our time, with millions of people living in conditions that inhibit access to basic needs such as food, clean water, shelter, education, and healthcare. This review examines the state of global poverty today, assesses the most effective interventions for alleviating poverty, and presents key factors to consider in future programming. We aim to provide a comprehensive evaluation of current data on poverty and offer evidence-based insights into effective poverty alleviation strategies. The goal is to support efforts to target poverty reduction with efficient, scalable interventions, with special attention to the methodologies of Charity Navigator’s Causeway Fund.

    Causeway Fund Methodology and Selection Criteria


    Charity Navigator’s Causeway Fund aims to prioritize interventions that demonstrate a strong evidence base and cost-effectiveness in reducing global poverty. The fund will focus on programs that meet the following criteria:





    • Sulaiman, M., Goldberg, N., Karlan, D., & de Montesquiou, A. (2016). “Eliminating Extreme Poverty: Comparing the Cost-Effectiveness of Livelihood, Cash Transfer, and Graduation Approaches.” CGAP.
    • Zaneva, M., Guzman-Holst, C., Reeves, A., & Bowes, L. (2022). "The Impact of Monetary Poverty Alleviation Programs on Children's and Adolescents' Mental Health: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis." Journal of Adolescent Health.
    • World Bank. (2021). "Poverty and Shared Prosperity Report."



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