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    • Improve Global Health Methodology
      Our Global Health Fund supports charities effectively implementing scalable evidence-based solutions to reduce preventable death and disease, particularly among children in Africa and Asia. We assess the direct impact of a charity’s program help donors identify high-impact charities. Donors want to make sure their hard-earned dollars are doing the most good when they support a charity.
    • End Homelessness Methodology
      Our End Homelessness Fund supports charities that address the root causes of homelessness and implement proven solutions to increase the availability of affordable housing for those in need. We assess charity’s programs to help donors identify high-impact charities. Donors want to make sure their hard-earned dollars are doing the most good when they support a charity.
    • Veterans & Military Assistance Methodology
      Veterans in the United States face unique challenges resulting from their military service. With experiences that differ across service eras, demographics, and geographic regions, veterans often require tailored, evidence-based support to address issues like mental health, homelessness, and career readiness.
    • Improve Education Methodology
      Our Improve Education Fund supports highly effective charities addressing literacy gaps and unequal access to quality education using proven, effective methods, especially in underserved areas. We assess the direct impact of a charity’s program to help donors identify high-impact charities. Donors want to make sure their hard-earned dollars are doing the most good when they support a charity.
    • End Hunger Methodology
      Hunger and food insecurity are major challenges in the U.S., affecting millions. Our End Hunger Fund supports organizations effectively addressing food insecurity via food distribution and policy change in the areas with the greatest need. We assess the direct impact of a charity’s program to help donors identify high-impact charities. Donors want to make sure their hard-earned dollars are doing the most good when they support a charity.
    • Global Poverty Methodology
      Every day, millions of people face extreme poverty without access to basic needs such as healthcare. Our Global Poverty Fund supports highly effective charities that fight extreme poverty through proven interventions such as cash transfers, entrepreneurship, and life skills. We assess the direct impact of a charity’s program to help donors identify high-impact charities. Donors want to make sure their hard-earned dollars are doing the most good when they support a charity.
    • Animal Welfare Fund Methodology
      Our Animal Welfare Fund supports charities making a lasting impact on improving and protecting the lives of animals, especially farmed and wild animals. We assess to help donors identify high-impact charities. Donors want to make sure their hard-earned dollars are doing the most good when they support a charity.
    • Environmental Action Methodology
      Nonprofit organizations play a pivotal role in addressing the global environmental crisis by mobilizing resources, advocating for systemic changes, and implementing impactful conservation programs. This evidence review explores the effective ways nonprofit organizations can achieve measurable environmental impact, drawing insights from 1% for the Planet’s evaluative framework. By understanding these factors, we can effectively guide funding toward impactful interventions that meet global environmental needs.
    • Climate Change Fund Methodology
      Climate change is an enormous challenge requiring coordinated action across all sectors of society. Nonprofit organizations (NPOs) are critical in advancing climate change mitigation by leveraging philanthropic funding, fostering systemic changes, and implementing high-impact interventions.