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    Improve Edcuation Fund Methodology

    Education is a powerful tool for addressing social inequalities, promoting civic engagement, and driving economic growth.We assess organizations with interventions that have been identified as particularly effective in improving educational outcomes in the United States.

    Education is a cornerstone of personal development and societal progress. In the United States, improving educational outcomes is crucial for ensuring equal opportunities and fostering a well-informed, skilled workforce. This review synthesizes evidence from various studies to identify the most effective educational interventions and programs currently in use across the nation.

    Causeway Fund Methodology and Selection Criteria


    The findings underscore the complex and multifaceted nature of educational improvement in the U.S. Prioritizing programs that address significant gaps in student achievement and well-being is essential for long-lasting impact.



    The Causeway Fund is committed to supporting programs that lead the charge in applying solutions aimed at improving education in the U.S. Recognizing the significant impact on the future of students nationwide, the initiative prioritizes scalable solutions with the potential to enhance educational outcomes across the country.



    • Fikrat-Wevers, S., van Steensel, R., & Arends, L. (2021). Effects of Family Literacy Programs on the Emergent Literacy Skills of Children From Low-SES Families: A Meta-Analysis.
    • Mahnken, K. (2023). 14 Charts That Changed the Way We Looked at America’s Schools in 2023. Retrieved from https://www.the74million.org/article/14-charts-that-changed-the-way-we-looked-at-americas-schools-in-2023/
    • What Works Clearinghouse. (2022). Preparing Young Children for School. 
    • What Works Clearinghouse. (2022). Providing Reading Interventions for Students in Grades 4-9. 
    • What Works Clearinghouse. (2022). Assisting Students Struggling with Mathematics.
    • The Impressive Effects of Tutoring on PreK-12 Learning. 
    • Improving Low-Performing Schools. 
    • A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Universal School-Based SEL Programs in the United States. 

    Support Improve Education Fund


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