The nonprofit has an opportunity to tell the story of how the organization adapted to tremendous external changes in the last year.
From 2020-2022, Audience Outlook Monitor cohort calls and ArtsBoston’s larger webinars on reopening became important ways for us to listen and gather information on the sector’s needs. At a time when all were navigating greater uncertainty than many had faced in their careers, the collegiality these calls provided was important. In a similar way, the NAACBoston listserv, virtual member conversations, and in-person gatherings helped keep ArtsBoston apprised of BIPOC arts workers’ needs. All of this information gathering shaped our advocacy and collaboration with local, regional, and national partners whose pandemic research, relief programming, and strategic work with regard to equity in the cultural sector have complemented our own. We also shared our learnings in the press, including such Boston Globe articles as “At ArtsBoston, a pandemic pivot” (November 11, 2021), “Mask mandate may be lifted, but arts venues will keep up safety protocols” (March 7, 2022), and “After two years of upheaval, the arts need audiences to get into the act” (March 10, 2022).
In the summer of 2022, ArtsBoston launched a new round of qualitative research. Leveraging pro bono evaluation expertise from our board chair Sarah Lee, we designed a survey with open-ended questions that we posed to 22 leaders from a cross-section of current, lapsed, and prospective ArtsBoston member organizations, who collectively represent diversity of genre, race, gender, ability, and organizational budget size. This research identified key themes and areas of need in attracting and retaining audiences, funding, staffing, research, and racial justice, with a core overarching through line of people’s need to connect and reconnect with each other.
"ArtsBoston is essential to us as we move forward to a different way of engaging with audiences, working together to solve common challenges, and building community in our sector." - Catherine Carr Kelly, Central Square Theater