The nonprofit organization presents evidence of strategic thinking and goal setting through sharing their most important strategic goals.
Goal One: By 2025, we will close the meal gap by distributing 11.6 million meals annually through food acquisition, distribution, and SNAP enrollment. We prioritize child and elder hunger and aim to achieve equitable Meals per Person in Need (MPIN) across all four counties while increasing healthy food distribution and expanding nutritious food sources for our Network.
Goal Two: We engage the community to end hunger by growing donor and volunteer support, educating the public on hunger’s causes, and advancing the Coalition to End Hunger's work. We advocate for policies addressing food insecurity and expand awareness of the Food Bank to ensure more people can support and benefit from our mission.
Goal Three: We strengthen the Food Bank and its Network through efficient practices, data-driven strategies, and sustainable resource development. Our committed staff and board ensure mission success, while we foster open communication with our Network to meet community needs, support disaster response, and work collaboratively to close the meal gap.