LAWRENCEVILLE GA | IRS ruling year: 2009 | EIN: 27-0182697
An EIN is a unique nine-digit number that identifies a business for tax purposes.
An EIN is a unique nine-digit number that identifies a business for tax purposes.
Organization Mission
Rating Information
Not currently rated
Ratings are calculated from one or more beacon scores. Currently, we require either an Accountability & Finance beacon or an Impact & Measurement beacon to be eligible for a Charity Navigator rating. Note: The absence of a rating does not indicate a positive or negative assessment; it only indicates that we have not yet evaluated this organization.
See rating report below to learn why this organization is not currently eligible.
Historical Ratings
Charity Navigator's ratings previously did not consider Leadership & Adaptability, Culture & Community, or Impact & Measurement. The historic rating mainly reflects a version of today’s Accountability and Finance score. More information on our previous rating methodologies can be found on our rating methodology page.
Rating histories are available for a growing number of rated organizations. Check back later to see if this organization has a rating history!
FAITH AND FREEDOM COALITION INC cannot be evaluated by our Accountability & Finance methodology because it is not a 501(c)(3) IRS registered nonprofit
Charity Navigator currently only evaluates nonprofits registered with the IRS as 501(c)(3) organizations. 501(c)(3) nonprofits are tax-exempt and eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions.
Additional Information
Total Revenue and Expenses - Data Available
This chart displays the trend of revenue and expenses over the past several years for this organization, as reported on their IRS Form 990.
Click or hover over the bar to see exact $ amount
Salary of Key Persons - Data Available
Presented here are up to five of this organization's highest compensated employees. This compensation data includes salary, cash bonuses, and expense accounts and is displayed exactly how it is reported to the IRS. The amounts do not include nontaxable benefits, deferred compensation, or other amounts not reported on Form W-2. In some cases, these amounts may include compensation from related organizations. Read the IRS policies for compensation reporting
Timothy Head, Executive Director
Patrick Purtill, Director Of Legislative Affairs
Jonathan Harbison, Director Of Voter Education
David Louden, National Field Director
Sebastian Lazcano, Director Of External Affairs
Source: IRS Form 990 (page 7), filing year 2022
IRS Published Data (Business Master File) - Data Available
All organizations except 501(c)(3) (BMF foundation code: 00)
Independent - the organization is an independent organization or an independent auxiliary (i.e., not affiliated with a National, Regional, or Geographic grouping of organizations). (BMF affiliation code: 3)
Data Sources (IRS Forms 990) - Data Available
The Form 990 is a document that nonprofit organizations file with the IRS annually. We leverage accountability and finance data from it to form Encompass ratings. Click here to search for this organization's Forms 990 on the IRS website (if any are available). Simply enter the organization's name (FAITH AND FREEDOM COALITION INC) or EIN (270182697) in the 'Search Term' field.
Impact & Measurement
FAITH AND FREEDOM COALITION INC cannot be evaluated by our Impact & Measurement methodology because it is not a 501(c)(3) IRS registered nonprofit
Charity Navigator currently only evaluates nonprofits registered with the IRS as 501(c)(3) organizations. 501(c)(3) nonprofits are tax-exempt and eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions.
Culture & Community
FAITH AND FREEDOM COALITION INC cannot be evaluated by our Culture & Community methodology because it is not a 501(c)(3) IRS registered nonprofit
Charity Navigator currently only evaluates nonprofits registered with the IRS as 501(c)(3) organizations. 501(c)(3) nonprofits are tax-exempt and eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions.
Leadership & Adaptability
This beacon provides an assessment of the organization's leadership capacity, strategic thinking and planning, and ability to innovate or respond to changes in constituent demand/need or other relevant social and economic conditions to achieve the organization's mission.
The nonprofit organization presents evidence of strategic thinking through articulating the organization's mission.
Vision Statement
10 out of 10 points
The nonprofit organization presents evidence of strategic thinking through articulating the organization's vision.
Our Principles
Respect for the sanctity and dignity of life, family, and marriage as the foundati
Strategic Goals
20 out of 20 points
The nonprofit organization presents evidence of strategic thinking and goal setting through sharing their most important strategic goals.
Goal One: Mobilize and train people of faith to be effective citizens
Goal Two: Speak out in the public arena and in the media on behalf of Christian values
Protest bigotry and discrimination against people of faith
Goal Three: Influence legislation and enact sound public policy at every level of government
Train citizens for effective civic action
30 out of 30 points
Full Credit
Partial Credit
No Credit
Investment in Leadership Development
15 out of 15 points
The nonprofit provides evidence of investment in leadership development.
Together we will influence public policy and enact legislation that strengthens families, promotes time-honored values, protects the dignity of life and marriage, lowers the tax burden on small business and families, and requires government to tighten its belt and live within its means. 85% of every dollar goes toward the organization and 15% goes toward overhead cost. We believe in educating and equipping our leaders with the tools they need to be a force for good in the governmental and political arena.
External Focus on Mobilizing Mission
15 out of 15 points
The nonprofit provides evidence of leadership through focusing externally and mobilizing resources for the mission.
Collaborative Engagement
Thought Leadership
Civic Engagement
Public Policy Advocacy
30 out of 30 points
Full Credit
Partial Credit
No Credit
Adaptability Statement
30 out of 30 points
The nonprofit has an opportunity to tell the story of how the organization adapted to tremendous external changes in the last year.
Over the course of the past year, Faith & Freedom Coalition has been committed to advocating for individual liberty and family values, brining together America's faithful to champion the cause of vulnerable and marginalized. In our home based state, Georgia, Govt. Kemp introduced the Faith Protection Act to make Georgia a 'sanctuary state for people of faith.' “No emergency is ever an excuse to violate the fundamental rights of American citizens,” said Timothy Head, executive director of Faith and Freedom Coalition. “Religious freedom is one of our most precious liberties. It deserves protection from government overreach of every sort. Throughout 2020, we saw emergency powers invoked to close churches, write regulations to prosecute pastors and create new rules to discriminate against religious gatherings. It’s time for politicians who respect religious liberty to take action and prevent this from ever happening again in the future. Governor Kemp is leading the charge, and should be applauded for his efforts.”
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Georgia was one of the few states to refuse to close down churches, synagogues, mosques and other places of worship. The Faith Protection Act ensures that Georgia will remain a state where religion can be practiced freely for the foreseeable future.