The nonprofit has an opportunity to tell the story of how the organization adapted to tremendous external changes in the last year.
Since The World Health Organization officially declared the Coronavirus pandemic: COVID-19, and Puerto Rico enforced a lockdown, we in United Way of Puerto Rico modified our role to support the community directly, a much needed evolution as by charter we are not an Operational Organization, our community impact its achieved by fundraising and allocating/designating raised money to our local, on the ground, at community level, NPO affiliated partners. This operational shift began by distributing personal protective equipment (PPE) and disinfectant products, donated by several of our investment companies. Then, focused on creating greater impact, thus to continue supporting the community at a larger scale, the approaches and conversations made with officials of The Advisory Administration and Fiscal Agency of Puerto Rico (AAFAF), led to the submission of both a proposal and a plan which resulted in the Cares Act grant awarded. Activation efforts focused on strategies to execute six initiatives such as the purchase and distribution of personal protective equipment (PPE), emotional support for children, financial orientation, ‘Step by Step’, strategies and tools to support job transition for the unemployed, including a broad reach educational campaign, study centers for children and youth to continue their education- school materials and equipment, food supplies, prepared meals, gift certificates for quick service restaurants and supermarkets, and educational campaigns aimed at the prevention of the C-19 virus spread in children, financial advisory, psychological support for teachers (Albizu University agreement) and campaigns to promote vaccination. Our gratitude to our affiliated non-profit partner organizations, our primary and direct line on the field, and all United Way of Puerto Rico collaborators which made all the community support possible.