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    Queery Inc.
    This organization is not rated
    See Details
    Impact & Measurement
    Accountability & Finance
    Culture & Community
    Leadership & Adaptability

    Queery Inc.

    501(c)(3) organization
    Donations are tax-deductible
    URL not available
    2420 MORRIS AVE APT 1D
    BRONX NY 10468-6657

    BRONX NY | IRS ruling year: 2020 | EIN: 85-0913107  
    An EIN is a unique nine-digit number that identifies a business for tax purposes.
    An EIN is a unique nine-digit number that identifies a business for tax purposes.
    Organization Mission
    Mission not available

    Rating Information

    Not currently rated

    Ratings are calculated from one or more beacon scores. Currently, we require either an Accountability & Finance beacon or an Impact & Measurement beacon to be eligible for a Charity Navigator rating. Note: The absence of a rating does not indicate a positive or negative assessment; it only indicates that we have not yet evaluated this organization.
    See rating report below to learn why this organization is not currently eligible.

    Historical Ratings
    Charity Navigator's ratings previously did not consider Leadership & Adaptability, Culture & Community, or Impact & Measurement. The historic rating mainly reflects a version of today’s Accountability and Finance score. More information on our previous rating methodologies can be found on our rating methodology page.
    Rating histories are available for a growing number of rated organizations. Check back later to see if this organization has a rating history!

    Rating Report

    Leadership & Adaptability


    This beacon provides an assessment of the organization's leadership capacity, strategic thinking and planning, and ability to innovate or respond to changes in constituent demand/need or other relevant social and economic conditions to achieve the organization's mission.


    30 out of 40 points

    Full Credit
    Partial Credit
    No Credit
    Mission Statement
    0 out of 10 points
    The nonprofit organization presents evidence of strategic thinking through articulating the organization's mission.
    Vision Statement
    10 out of 10 points
    The nonprofit organization presents evidence of strategic thinking through articulating the organization's vision.
    Queery’s vision is to live in a world where people continue to ask questions in order to live freely
    Strategic Goals
    20 out of 20 points
    The nonprofit organization presents evidence of strategic thinking and goal setting through sharing their most important strategic goals.
    Goal One: Enhance the lives of LGBTQ+ folx
    Goal Two: Increase the reach of our programs so that more folx can benefit
    Goal Three: Achieving funding sources to hire volunteers that are currently running the organization


    30 out of 30 points

    Full Credit
    Partial Credit
    No Credit
    Investment in Leadership Development
    15 out of 15 points
    The nonprofit provides evidence of investment in leadership development.
    We held a retreat to develop the leadership of the organization and had several presentation on Queery Theory and understanding trans folx from a cis-gendered perspective.
    External Focus on Mobilizing Mission
    15 out of 15 points
    The nonprofit provides evidence of leadership through focusing externally and mobilizing resources for the mission.
    • Strategic Partnerships
    • Collaborative Engagement
    • Thought Leadership
    • Social Promotion
    • Civic Engagement


    30 out of 30 points

    Full Credit
    Partial Credit
    No Credit
    Adaptability Statement
    30 out of 30 points
    The nonprofit has an opportunity to tell the story of how the organization adapted to tremendous external changes in the last year.
    Our organization's first program was called Sticks & Stones: Reclaiming Names That Were Used to Hurt Us. This was an art exhibit that we took around and then did programming around name calling and it's impact to LGBTQ+ folx as well as conversations around the binary thinking and how LGBTQ+ folx are called bad names but when folx in the dominate culture do the same things they are not called those names. With the pandemic, we had to put this program on pause and we developed new programs that can be done virtually and gives help where folx are in our community. We created Queer Zen which is a meditation group that meets weekly so that folx can do non-traditional meditation in a queer centered space. We also developed Queery Pronoun Challenge to help promote the use of pronouns on social media accounts, emails, and zoom.